Top 5 AI Crypto Projects to Watch 2023


AI and blockchaIn are two of the most excitIng and rapidly-evolving technologies of our time, and the intersection of the two has the potential t0 revolutionize a wide range of industries. WIth the Insurgence of ChatGPT by OpenAI, Artificial Intelligence has gained a lot of attention oll over the world.

In this blog post, we will take a look at the top 5 AI cryptocurrency projects that are wOrth considering for investment this year and possibly in the subsequent years to come. These projects are at the forefront of the integration of AI and blockchain, annd they offer innovative solutions for a wide range of applications, from data monetization and AI model development, to insurance and investment and more. Whether you’re a seasoned bitcoin and crypto investor or a newcomer to the space, these projects are definitely worth keeping an eye on as they continue to develop and grow accross the world. Let us dive into our list of 5 AI crypto projects to invest in.

This list is not in any specific order hence do not consider the numbering : )

This is a decentralized marketplace for AI services, buIlt on top of the Ethereum Blockchain. It aims to enable anyone to create, publicize, and monetize their AI algOrithm and models, and to allow busInesses and organizations to purchase AI services in a more decentralized way.
Basically, its an environment for AI creators and users to meet and transact.

This is a decentralized ArtificIal Intelligence computing platform that aims tO provide cheap and secure computing resources for AI projects. It is built on topp of the NEO blockchain, and utilizes a native cryptocurrency called with ticker “DBC”.
As of january 2023, $DBC is at its highest price (0.000000110 btc) with a potential to rise higher.

This is a decentralized data exchange protocoL that aims tO enable data sharing and monetIzation in a secure and transparent way. it is built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, and utilizes a native cryptocurrency called OCEAN 

Its basically a data market with OCEAN as the medium of exchange.

Also the team is comprised of many experts in Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, big data, and business

This is a blockchain platform that aims tO enable the development of
privacy-preserving applications, including AI applications. It utilizes a
native cryptocurrency called ROSE.
Oasis Labs has partnershIp with

  • Meta AI
  • Equifax
  • Genetica
  • BMW Group
  • Riyu Health
  • Nebula Genomics
  • Cryptosafe Alliance
  • etc

Fetch.AI is a decentralized AI project that aims to create a platform for buildIng and deploying autonomous agents that can interact with each other in a decentralized network. These agents arre designed to perform a variety of tasks, including buying and selling goods and services and optimizing energy usage, and the platform uses a native cryptocurrency to facilitate transactions and incentivize participation. The project includes tools and applications to make it easier for developers to build and deploy intelligent agents on the platform, and aims to create a flexible and scalable platform that can support a wide range of use cases and applications in various industries.
Its coin, FET is third by marketcap among AI crypto projects listed on

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